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来源:谊切苔岑网 编辑:曾宝仪 时间:2024-07-07 18:20:46


“CDF之声”(CDF Voice)栏目旨在汇聚关注、支持和参与论坛的重要商业领袖,向国内公众和国际社会传递论坛与会代表心声。




今天做客CDF之声的是罗兰贝格全球管理委员会联席总裁戴璞(Denis Depoux)。























I am Denis Depoux and I am Global Managing Director of European consultancy Roland Berger. I have been living in China, working out of Roland Berger‘s Shanghai office, for the last 7 years. This is my second stay in China, after starting my professional life here 29 years ago in the Daya Bay nuclear power station in the Guangdong Province, where I stayed 3 years.

Over three decades, I have witnessed the deep transformation of this country, supported by gradual market opening and reform. Let me share some success factors: central planning, long term vision, with general interest in mind, pragmatic adaptation when conditions evolve, holistic approaches driven from central and rolling out to local levels, front loading of infrastructure as enablers to future development and growth.

China today is very different from the China I first experienced in 1993, and even in 2014 when I came back to work here. For a foreigner living in China for a long time, what is striking is the impact of such a transformation on people‘s lives, on business, on culture and of course on opportunities to develop new markets. A new China story is in the writing.

More than ever, China remains the factory of the world. The times of the pandemic saw exports from China surge for two consecutive years, in 2020 as Chinese manufacturing became an alternative to disrupted global supply chains, and in 2021 to absorb the surge in global demand. While the situation is likely to come back in 2022 to a more normal distribution of production across the world, something has changed in the last couple of years:

First, China has demonstrated the resilience of its role in the global supply chains, in spite of all difficulties.

Secondly, in two years of surging global demand, production investments have been made to expand and modernize Chinese plants, make them more automated, productive, competitive, and greener.

Third, the fourteenth five-year plan is starting with emphasis on China‘s industrial modernization. Productivity used to be driven by availability and affordability of labor, as well as lesser environmental constraints. Not anymore.

The new China story is different from the past. For multinational companies across many sectors, the Chinese market has become #1 or #2 in revenues and often is showing growth at a higher pace than other regions.

Yet new challenges arise: technology bans have to be circumvented, cybersecurity regulation require specific approaches, geopolitical tensions influence business through the uncertainty they create. Even more importantly, Chinese markets increasingly demonstrate singular features in consumption patterns, domestic technology and business model evolution. Decoupling is not so obvious from a supply chain perspective, but design, development and production in China is increasingly geared towards the Chinese market. Made in China, for China.

In more recently developed industrial sectors, Chinese companies are leapfrogging and gaining leadership positions in the world, for example in the whole electric mobility value chain, from chemicals and materials going into batteries, to electric motors. The same holds true in solar PV, wind turbines, nuclear and telecommunications equipment.

And more is to come with considerable R D investment, that will still take some years to yield results in quantum simulation and computing, space exploration technologies, stationary energy storage or advanced materials, to name a few.

The double pledge to peak and to neutralize greenhouse gases emissions will drive further acceleration of this modernization effort. There is little time to shift the production model. This will accelerate innovation, and drive down marginal costs of new technologies here, compared to the rest of the world. This is not a new pattern: we have experienced it with solar PV modules or batteries.

In a context where Chinese entrepreneurs and legacy companies will claim more leadership, the engagement of foreign companies may evolve. Developing and selling IP, shifting from OEM to suppliers in various fields, and designing and developing in China for China are attractive models. Developing technology and know how here, acquiring Chinese technology to bring it to the world will co-exist with the previous pattern of imports and bringing IP to China.

Chinese companies used to go to the world through price-competitive exports and acquisitions. This will change to more grass-rooted development of foreign destination markets, through technology and business model advantage – We are already experiencing this with the electric mobility value chain.

This also means more competition for multinational companies, but it will increase their international engagement, and create even more ties and balance presence, to build a shared future.

This is the seventh consecutive year that I am participating in the China Development Forum and every year, I look forward to this inspiring and intense moment of exchanges and openness. This is even more true in these first few months of 2022, seeing a tragic conflict unfold in Europe: building consensus between China and the world on development and cooperation is crucial.

On behalf of Roland Berger, I would like to thank the China Development and Research Foundation for hosting the Forum, and I wish all delegates fruitful exchanges. 

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